Saturday, 20 December 2008
My pal Suzanne had invited me to the Hyde Park Hotel for Luke & Wyatt's 'Home for Christmas' extravaganza, and the casual pub atmosphere was a fun start to the evening. A decent meal and a ready bar got everyone in the audience relaxed, and cuddly MC Werzel regaled us with tales of his alternate career as a passive-aggressive bouncer, who has worked out a fabulous (and non-violent) way of telling off-their-face CUBs (Cashed Up Bogans) that they weren't going to be able to get in with their chosen foot attire. (Thongs don't usually translate from beach to club...unless they're the type worn as underwear!)
Laura Davies was then introduced; her dreamy, slightly surreal and intelligent routine going in some intriguing, but no less humourous directions; her voice the perfect overlay for a smart YouTube animation short.
Ben Russell completed the opening act for the main event, and he offered a canny interpretation of the phone conversation between himself and the comedy duo that had regulars laughing with recognition. Wyatt later revisited that conversation with his take on his piss-take.
Luke and Wyatt stormed the stage after the break like returning turks on their way to conquer the big time, namely Melbourne, where the pair are planning to be based in the New Year. With ready songs and a comfortable repartee, you could see that they already had the makings of a fun comedy duo, could a spot on a nationally syndicated radio show be something to aim for?
With Luke on guitar alternating with Wyatt on piano, they led a fairly tight set of favourites and a few new songs, the banter light and ribald and perfectly suited to the home town audience made up of fans and friends.
The infamous Tater Song was the encore of the night with the duo inviting all and sundry to join in (of which a fair few of audience did!) and after the rousing applause, the pair even made their way amongst the throng to chat and thank all those who had come to their Christmas gig.
Here's to the boys achieving the giddy heights of comedic success!
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